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סקירת פעילות

הפעילות האחרונה של higuchi+1
  • higuchi+1 יצר פוסט,

    What's the community?

    The Help Center community consists of questions and answers organized by topic. Questions can include ideas, tips, feature requests, or any other useful content contributed by end-users. Answers ar...

  • higuchi+1 יצר פוסט,

    What topics should I add to my community?

    That depends. If you support several products, you might add a topic for each product. If you have one big product, you might add a topic for each major feature area or task. If you have different ...

  • higuchi+1 יצר פוסט,

    How do I get around the community?

    You can use search to find answers. You can also browse the topics and questions using views and filters. See "Getting around the community" at https://support.zendesk.com/entries/23746531#topic_dq...

  • higuchi+1 יצר פוסט,

    I'd like a way for users to submit feature requests

    You can add a topic like this one in your community. End-users can go there to add feature requests and describe their use cases. Other users can comment on the requests and vote for them. Product ...